Open hours

Headington AT Suite is open (7 days a week / 24 hours) in Buckley building from 5th June 2024

Swindon Monday - Friday (Check library opening times).

Wheatley ATS - Closed

Harcourt ATS - Closing by 23 May 2025

(Contact Security at reception for access issues)

Contact us

The main Assistive Technology Suite (ATS) is on the ground floor of the Buckley Building from 5th June 2024


Useful links

For questions about using assistive technology and software for your studies: ATS

For study skills: Centre for Academic Development

For inclusive support: Dyslexia / SpLD and Disability Services


How far in advance can I make a booking?

Bookings can be made up to 30 days in advance.

How long can I book a room for?

Bookings are for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 3 hours.

Cleaning times

Allow time to clean with products provided.

When can I start a booking for a room or workstation?

Bookings can start on the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to.

How many bookings can I make?

There is no limit to how many you book, but please remember to cancel if you no longer need the space, and no block bookings!



Please note:

This booking system is to be used by students who have been approved to use the Assistive Technology Suite. Specialist Study Skills Tutors also use the booking system for their work with students.

For the benefit of all students using the space, by using this system you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions before using the Assistive Technology Suite.

Thank you for adhering to these terms and conditions

General - 

·         A fair use policy is in place, please do not make excessive bookings

·         If you make a booking please arrive on time

·         Use the space that you have booked

·         Vacate your workspace in time for the next users to commence their booking

·         Leave the room as you would expect to find it - put rubbish in a bin at the end of sessions.

·         If you no longer need a booking please cancel it so the workspace becomes available for another user

·         The space is only for students with approved access, so please do not allow other people to use the space

·         If you are the last person to leave the room, please ensure the door is closed behind you

·         If you use a heater please Turn it Off when you leave